Re: flying pigs considered harmful

On Fri, 3 Mar 2000, James P. Salsman wrote:

> Don't the browser vendors have a right to know the extent 
> of the demand for device upload?

It seemed to me that most people were writing in concern over platform
independence, not device upload.

I agree that because there is no spec on device upload, then device
uploads that do exsits are platform dependant, but the W3C specs
themselves are still platform independant.

I think your petition misleads people into thinking that the actual W3C
specifcations are platform dependant, where as the fault really lies with
webpages the use propritary extenstions.  They are the ones being platform
Russell O'Connor                 
``Paradoxically, a refusal to `put a monetary value on life' means that
life is often undervalued.'' -- Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach

Received on Saturday, 4 March 2000 12:15:04 UTC