RE: XHTML questions

On Tuesday, June 27, 2000 at 21:04, (Piers Williams) wrote:

> Why is this? I thought the whole point was that if you came across a tag you
> didn't understand, you just rendered the contents as if the tag wasn't
> there.
> This happens on both IE 3 and NN 3 and seems to be due to the '?' at the
> beginning, which begs the question why was _that_ character chosen when it
> would break backwards compatability.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="charsetvalue" ?> is an XML Processor
Instruction (see the XML spec). Older browsers which don't know about XML
don't know how to handle this and may render it as raw text. It's not a
"tag" per se.

Christian Smith  |  |

He who dies with the most friends... Is still dead!

Received on Tuesday, 27 June 2000 16:28:25 UTC