Re: Valid positioning of script elements

Jason Orendorff <> wrote:

> Right.  This is weird.  <ins> and <del> have a related problem.

Yes, I suppose so - though that I can understand since they arose
as a semantic-markup answer to <s>, and no browser understands them
on anything more than a stylistic level.

> For your purposes today, it's probably best to write server-side
> code to generate the HTML document.

Don't worry, I am. I've got Python code writing Javascript
code-embedded-in-HTML which itself writes HTML. I think I could
manage one more level of indirection but not much more. ;-)
I'm trying to achieve as graceful a degradation as possible whilst
avoiding server-side browser sniffing (because it's the Wrong
Thing, obv).

> Remember, it's just a hypertext markup language.


Oh, for the good old days!

Andrew Clover
Technical Support AG

Received on Monday, 5 June 2000 17:04:28 UTC