Re: French document

On 27 Jul 2000, Pierre Crescenzo (I3S-UNSA-CNRS-CNAM) wrote:

> If my XHTML document contains French text, should I use "-//W3C//DTD
> XHTML 1.0 Strict//FR" in <!DOCTYPE...> and/or xml:lang="fr" lang="fr"
> in <html...>? Thank you in advance dor your help.

No, you still want to use //EN, because the DTD was developed in the
English language.  EN refers to the fact that all the element and
attribute names are in English, and the comments in the DTD are also in
English.  The EN isn't used by a computer in any way, other than the fact
that it is part of the identifier for the HTML DTD.

If your entire or most of the document that you have marked-up is French,
then you want to use lang="fr" in the html element.  I believe you will
also want to use xml:lang="fr", but I'm a little less sure about that.

Russell O'Connor                 
``Paradoxically, a refusal to `put a monetary value on life' means that
life is often undervalued.'' -- Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach

Received on Thursday, 27 July 2000 10:50:00 UTC