Re: linking a htm page within a htm page

<layer> is a proprietary tag. It is supported by Netscape
Navigator 4.x and no other browser. I haven't heard any
plans for support in Netscape 6, either.

<div> does not take any of the attributes you assigned it.

The W3C Recommends that you use Cascading StyleSheets (CSS) to
position your web page content:

This mailing list, as Dan Conolly said:
    > supposed to be a forum for development
    > of the technology, more than a sort of help-desk.
    > This forum becomes much less valuable folks don't
    > do a little of their own homework before posting.

I would recommend asking your questions elsewhere. Try this newsgroup:

If you can get neither answers nor referrals there, then try this:

Please read any FAQs before posting. (I know there's one at ciwah.)

You may want to visit
They also have a form-based message board, which you may find useful:

Chau Huynh wrote:
| hello everyone,
| why can't you link a htm page within another htm page with ie.  this works
| with netscape but not in ie.  can anyone help?
| eg. (netscape example)
| <layer name="intro" top=120 left=200 width=300
| src="intro.html" visibility=show>
| </layer>
| i tried this with ie but it didn't work...
| <div id="intro" top=120 left=200 width=300
| src="intro.html">
| </div>
| is there anyway around this?
| regards,
| chau

Received on Monday, 24 July 2000 19:05:10 UTC