Re: XHTML/XML comment

At 21:58 30.01.00 -0500, Vidiot wrote:
>I just printed the XHTML 1.0 document and an floored by the
>following: [...]

One discussion (out of many out there no doubt) you might want to read is
one at, "XHTML: The Web's Saving Grace?"

XHTML 1.0 is in my opinion extremely backwards compatible, if the original
pages were HTML 4.0 conforming and didn't use depreciated features. You
would need to tidy up the HTML documents, but that is an automatic process.
I know by experience that handcoding XHTML is no harder and not noticably
slower than handcoding HTML, but it may take some time getting used to
(less if you followed the hints and recommendations of HTML).


Received on Monday, 31 January 2000 14:12:48 UTC