ISO/IEC refs to HTML4

I have had reason to browse through the ISO/IEC Standard for HTML4...


...and found among the text the following part...

  "This International Standard makes normative reference to the
   W3C Recommendation for HTML 4.0 amended by the HTML 4.0
   Specification Errata."

...and there are links in there as follows...



...following that first link brings me too...


...i.e. the HTML4.01 recommendation, while the second link correctly
goes to the errata page for HTML4

My question is; is it correct of the W3 server to redirect a request for
the older HTML4 spec to the latest HTML4.01 in this case (or in any case
for that matter)?

Or should I see this as a link update problem at ISO/IEC?

I may be noted that even the "User's Guide to ISO/IEC 15445:2000
HyperText Markup Language (HTML)" at...


...suffers from the same "problem"

Jan Roland Eriksson <>

Received on Tuesday, 18 January 2000 11:44:46 UTC