Re: Embed attribute for LINK element

Matthew Brealey <> wrote, in part:
[[[[[[[[[[begin quote]]]]]]]]]]
> # find that I have to duplicate much of my LINKed style sheet in my HTML for
> # offline reading, which rather obviates the advantages of having LINKed
> # style in the first place.
>   IMHO user should be able to save the stylesheet even if the author hadn't
>   included embed="embed". So this should be a matter of browser design,
>   not (X)HTML itself. As far as I know MSIE5 can save linked resources
>   (images, stylesheets, etc.) with the document. Yes - older browsers can't,
>   but they do not support embed, however.

Certainly, but very few users bother with the tiresome 'Save page and
all its resources' option. The point is is that to the user viewing the
page online, they do not realise that the style sheet is linked, and
they should not, if the author wishes, have to know about these things
if viewing offline.
[[[[[[[[[[end quote]]]]]]]]]]

They don't have to. They can see the HTML page just fine even without the
stylesheet, if the page was written properly.

Michael Hamm
BA, Math, Sept. '00

Received on Monday, 17 January 2000 14:26:43 UTC