Request for change to XHTML Basic

Define a second conformance level, XHTML Minimal, which excludes forms.
This would in essence be a modern version of HTML 1.0, and as such
very useful for static documents that need a little markup, or for
documentation entries in other XML document types (which typically
just have a DOC element allowing #PCDATA only, or something of the sort).

XHTML Minimal would be a standards-compliant successor to my own IBTWSH
(Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Simple Hypertext) DTD, an XML DTD based on
HTML 4.0.  See .

The cost is small: a new paragraph or two, a few new public ids, a trivially
different DTD.

(Note: This message has already been sent to html-editors.)


Schlingt dreifach einen Kreis vom dies! || John Cowan <>
Schliesst euer Aug vor heiliger Schau,  ||
Denn er genoss vom Honig-Tau,           ||
Und trank die Milch vom Paradies.            -- Coleridge (tr. Politzer)

Received on Wednesday, 12 January 2000 16:55:27 UTC