RE: Status of Frames in HTML 4 (was: errata, /xhtml1)

Ann Navarro <> wrote:
> At 11:12 AM 1/11/00 -0500, wrote:
> >The HTML 4 spec should mention that frames and <A target>
> >are deprecated.  Errata, perhaps?
> They aren't deprecated in HTML 4.

Well, if we assume the text is correct, without regard for
logic, then frameset features are not deprecated in HTML 4.
But something's fishy here.  <NOFRAMES> and <A target="x">
are not in the HTML 4 Strict DTD.  Why not?  I wasn't on the
Working Group, so I don't know.

Perhaps no mistake was made.  The Working Group, after careful
thought, did not deprecate those features, but intentionally
omitted them from HTML 4 Strict anyway.  I doubt it.

Or perhaps the DTD was written by someone who wanted those
features deprecated.  The DTD expressed that person's views;
the Working Group generally disagreed.  I doubt that, too.

What really happened?  Surely someone reading this was there.
Please enlighten us.

In any case, frames will probably be dropped from XHTML
eventually.  I hope they go away.  I'll continue to avoid

Jason Orendorff

Received on Tuesday, 11 January 2000 20:57:00 UTC