Re: Status of Frames in HTML 4

At 11:47 AM 1/11/00 -0600, G. James Berigan wrote:

>> Frames were never *in* the HTML 4 strict set, so they can't be deprecated
>> there.
>Ann, _nothing_ deprecated is in the _strict_ set, including frames and
>their support

Items that were in HTML 3.2 and earlier, but are now deprecated in HTML 4.0
are indeed not in HTML 4.0 strict, and show as deprecated in HTML 4.0

Frame issues don't qualify in the above scenario. 

>They should be explicitly stated as
>deprecated and not treated as a secret so that they know what to avoid

Treated as a secret? What? 

There's no "secret" that the only place you use frames is in the HTML 4.0
Frameset doctype. Nor is there any stated intent in HTML 4.0 to say that
frames should be "avoided". 

Again, choices that are made in a next generation spec twice removed from
some other spec, can't reasonably be expected to be reflected in that older

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Received on Tuesday, 11 January 2000 13:01:10 UTC