Re: inline CSS - Argument for

I haven't really looked through the X- documentations. I am assuming
that XHTML will eventually replace current use of HTML. Assuming
this--correct me if I'm wrong--I think you've all missed a few uses for
inline styles.

1.) Email. Note that there is no way to attach an external stylesheet to
an email short of uploading it to one's personal webspace account (if
one has such an account). That option is ruled out.

It's quite possible that an email client will be able to function like
an HTML editor and produce files with styles in the head.

However, there seems to be a popular phenomenon called webmail. It's
extensively used by a large proportion of the web community, and as a
script-based service doesn't have the same capabilities as a client
program. In general, any styling must be hand coded.

2.) HTML-based forums/message boards. All providers must adapt their
services to allow the user to input styles into the head or a
message-specific external stylesheet. Whoever is using the message board
must understand the difference between the "stylesheet" form field and
the "content" form field. Please note, too, that this service has
widespread use.

3.) Guestbooks. Similarly to the message board, the user must be able to
use external/embedded style sheets effectively in order to style their
entry. This, also, is not an isolated case.

4.) E-cards/postcards. Similar to webmail, but on the whole more
presentation oriented.

There are quite a few people out there who have never worked with a full
HTML document before. They may know only a handful of inline
tags/attributes that will style their messages. Using inline stylesheets
is not difficult--it shouldn't take too long to learn basic
font-manipulation. It's easy, and it's fast; you don't have to reference
the "head" field of an input form to change text colors. But just you
try and educate the world about the magnificence of classes and ids.
Explain style="color: red" to a fifth grader, then teach them how to use
an id to do the same. How many will follow?

I am a member of no web group, organization, or company.
I officially represent only myself.


Received on Thursday, 24 February 2000 07:02:32 UTC