(unknown charset) Re: Phoney Baloney (was "fighting...")

On Wed, 23 Feb 2000, Tantek [ISO-8859-1] Çelik wrote:

> > All this will become credible the day that a version of Explorer
> > is proven to have *ignored* the O2K barf,
> I will hold you to that.

Why me?  Or rather, will that be me only?  Is it that the comments
(about IE5 being the only one with lo! *support* - imagine that, of
all things...) were unwarranted here?


It started with this:


and also had comments like this:


The whole thread is worth reading, IMO.

In view of pieties expressed recently on this list, I find the implied
contention, that MS reps don't also represent the uh, interests of
parties such as The Office Team, quite disturbing - what exactly is a
rep's job?  "Blame the other guy"? - when I read this:

: as the Microsoft alternate representative to the HTML wg, I can tell
: you that *we* certainly strongly disagree with removal and/or
: deprecation of the STYLE attribute.
It may be better to hold me in a killfile:)


Received on Thursday, 24 February 2000 01:53:43 UTC