Re:XHTML Basic and XHTML modularization: ACRONYM and BDO

Jonny Axelsson wrote:
> [...]
> And as for BDO, what is the point with the BDO element, given that
> every
> applicable element, in particular SPAN, has a DIR attribute? 

BDO is used when the text has already been placed in visual order; for
example, given the following piece of right-to-left text: THGIR, since the
implicit direction of the characters is right to left, the normal result
from the bidirectionality algorithm is to perform implicit reordering. 

In this case that is inappropriate because this task has already bveen
performed, so a bidi-override is needed.

However, I am perhaps of the view that bidirectionality is better suited
to style sheets anyway, since it is concerned with the visual rendering of
documents, not their structure, and perhaps dir and BDO should be
deprecated for the direction and unicode-bidi properties.

>From Matthew Brealey ( (for law)or (for CSS))
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Received on Tuesday, 22 February 2000 17:33:49 UTC