Re: The <HR> tag

Never mind Christian I am sure one day you will grow out of it, then you may learn there are more than one way
of doing things, might not be as simple but works all the same.

From Eric

----- Original Message -----
From: "Christian Smith" <>
To: <>
Cc: "Eric" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2000 10:17 AM
Subject: Re: The <HR> tag

: On Wednesday, December 27, 2000 at 9:52, (Eric)
: wrote:
: > A way to get over this problem, and replace <hr> you could if you like
: > have a 1 * 1 pixel color and spread it out to make a horizontal line
: > or vertical for that matter.
: >
: > However I found with both Opera 5 & 5.01 that a 1 * 1 pixel red or
: > blue in JPEG will change to the other color, 2 * 2 pixel's will give
: > the correct colors. green stays correct color.
: >
: > Another method is to use tables to replace the <hr> if you like it
: > that way. You can even put a color band around the line, if that's
: > what turns you on.
: ...
: > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
: > Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
: > Version: 6.0.219 / Virus Database: 103 - Release Date: 5-12-00
: This signature at the bottom is pretty funny given the text of your
: message.
: The idea of using images or tables to replicate the behaviour of the
: <hr> tag is pretty viral in itself so I'd have to say that your
: anti-virus software can't handle the most common type of virus
: encountered on the internet (the memetic virus).
: --
: Christian Smith  |  |
: He who dies with the most friends... Is still dead!

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Received on Tuesday, 26 December 2000 16:50:09 UTC