Re: justification/reasoning of tags in XHTML forced to be lowercase?

Most markup editors these days allow developers to colorized their 
markup.  Some even allow you to capitalize the mark up for easier
debugging and design.  

Look around I am sure you will find a editor that will meet your

***********msew ***********

On 8/14/00 at 9:48 AM msew wrote:

I have always found it much easier to parse and read HTML when the tags are 


      this is the body


      this is the body

in the first snippet it seems to me that the tags and that the text stand 
out as different sets of things.  In the second snippet you have to work 
much harder to make the distinction between the tags and the content.

I understand that xml is case sensitive (rather annoying from a language 
perspective, but that is another battle to fight), but I am wondering why 
the XHTML standard is forcing people to use lowercase for their hypertext 
markup tags.  Why not force them to use uppercase?

What is the justification or reasoning for lowercase tags?



Received on Tuesday, 15 August 2000 02:23:17 UTC