Re: Ignoring empty paragraphs

From: Ian Graham <>
Date: Sun, Apr 9, 2000, 12:31 PM

> On Sun, 9 Apr 2000, Jan Roland Eriksson wrote:
>> What about "styling" of non existing content?
>> Leave that no-content element dangling in the DOM tree and we need to
>> move the decision not to style it to the CSS renderer instead.
>> If not, we will not have a way to discourage the use of successive P's
>> for vertical spacing, and that is what I think David's question was all
>> about.
> If that is the question (it seems a good one), then the problem would
> appear to be much harder, since what you really want is conditional
> formatting properties depending on whether 'some' elements contain
> only ignorable white space (in the XML sense). But HTML is not XML, and I
> don't think HTML parsers can flag this difference.

There is no such thing as ignorable white space (in any sense, HTML, XML,
WXYZML, whatever) for a complete CSS1 implementation because you can always
have rules with white-space:pre:

* {white-space:pre}  /* Note: '*' is a commonly implemented CSS-2 selector */


Not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?

Received on Sunday, 9 April 2000 15:58:26 UTC