Re: Search Engines

At 8:51a -0700 07/02/99, Polo Informatico per l'handicap di Crema wrote:
>Hi all,
>I think that your problem is to promote the exact URL for your Site.
>The following URL http:\\\~fortunegalaxy isn't correct,

In fact, technically that is not even a URL.
Why do DOS-heads have so much trouble with forward slashes?

This guy also doesn't learn that you must not post HTML-formatted messages
to email lists. I already sent private email to him and Mr. Cassar (who are
both using the same email program, OE 5.0), and yet they persist in sending
that horribly-formatted crap to the list.


 "Oh look, Darwin was wrong!"  --Robin Williams

Received on Friday, 2 July 1999 12:47:08 UTC