HTML4, CSS2, and XML: Accelerate Conformance!

Inanis Brooke wrote:

 > This probably sounds stupid, but instead of having corporations cough up
 > source code, or have the companies run benchmarks on their own software,
 > what if someone at the w3c made the "mother-of-all-html4-and-css-pages"
 > which use every single part of the recommendation at least once.

The W3C CSS1 test suite [1] does exactly that for the CSS1
Recommendation. For HTML, the task is harder to define since the HTML
specification only gives suggestions on how to present elements and
leaves most of the job to style sheets.


 > Call me curious, but are there any official w3c members who officially
 > "monitor" this list? Not to sound paranoid, but to ask if they know what
 > we're talking about already.

Several W3C staff members -- as well as W3C Member representatives --
read this list. Haven't you seen us around? Indeed, the public mailing
lists (e.g. www-html, www-style) are important fora for discussing
W3C work in progress. There are countless examples of how discussions
here have influenced specifications -- and lately also test suites ;)


H   å   k   o   n      W   i   u   m       L   i   e
World     W      i     d     e       Web  Consortium

Received on Friday, 8 January 1999 04:53:12 UTC