Re: Geographic tagging of HTML pages

At 7:04p -0800 04/13/99, Keith Starling wrote:
>Instead of adding prefixes to the lat. long., why not just add another meta
><Meta name="geo.planet" content="planet name">

Except that: doesn't "geo" mean Earth? :)  Geography != Cartography
Maybe "loc.heavenlybody"...

 who thinks it's cool that Pluto weaves into Neptune's orbit
 and remembers how 1987's "harmonic convergence" was a dud... ;)

>This doesn't solve the problem of extraterrestrial lat. long., but it seems
>as though there aren't yet enough pages dealing with a specific location on
>another planet to worry about that now.  If it becomes an issue, we could
>just specify the name of the place as a country, since they aren't exactly a
>country that exists on Earth in the terms that we are used to.

Received on Wednesday, 14 April 1999 13:17:19 UTC