Re: Geographic tagging of HTML pages - draft-daviel-html-geo-tag-00.txt

----- Original Message -----
From: Daniel Hiester <>
>It would not even work to say
> that Mars has a "planet index" of Sol4, and Earth a planet index of Sol3,
> because Pluto and Neptune do alternate their positions in distance from

Unfortunately poor Pluto is in danger of being stripped of it's planetary
title to sub-object (moon I suppose, though the orbit still seems odd) of
Neptune.  (Not to heckle, it is fun playing sci-fi for the time.)

For the geographical tags, what would be the problem in using current lat.
long. grid method?  It would be easily applied to other planets, possibly
using a simple prefix to the coordinates.  I suppose it would require some
standardized understanding of north and south poles as they apply to other

Alan (not quite sure what he's talking about, but it's fun.)

Alan Derrick
John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences
University of North Dakota
Grand Forks, ND
Homepage: or
ICQ #3380315

Received on Tuesday, 13 April 1999 22:19:53 UTC