RE: Geographic tagging of HTML pages - draft-daviel-html-geo-tag-00.txt

At 4:11p -0800 04/13/99, David Norris wrote:
>Sounds interesting.  What if the resource isn't related to a place on Earth?
>I can see where this would be just as applicable outside the Earth.  For
>instance, a resource about Sagan Station, Mars.

Do we have a coordinate system for extraterrestrial (dang that's a hard word
to type!) locations?  I don't have any star-mapping software, so I have no
idea if there are any standards for that (I love Star Trek tho'...;).
I wonder how it would handle still-expanding space... <g>

A good place for U.S. folks to find their coordinates is

(with an interesting note on their faq page about GPS and nat'l security...;)


Received on Tuesday, 13 April 1999 20:42:02 UTC