Re: Form "select" suggestion

On Thu, 8 Apr 1999 21:24:35 +0100, George Lund
( wrote:
> Although this is a nice idea, it seems to me it would be done better in CSS.
> Perhaps SELECT boxes could be counted as lists so that the 'list-style-image'
> property would apply.

In theory, this *may* already be possible in CSS, using the ":before"
pseudo-element for generated content.  However, I don't know if anyone
understands how generated content works on elements that don't take
arbitrary inline (or inline and block) elements as children (such as
SELECT, IMG, OPTION, etc.).  It certainly isn't implemented anywhere.


L. David Baron    Freshman, Harvard
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Received on Thursday, 8 April 1999 20:30:54 UTC