Re: Suggestion: new feature for select

>> 	It seems that there is an obvious missing functionality
>> with the select tag, the ability for the user to type in
>> their own entry.  So instead of a pure select, you have
>> a combination of select and input, where the user can
>> choose a value, or type in their own.
>> 	After reading the HTML 4 spec, I don't think
>> this is currently possible.
>Nor should it be possible.  This sounds eerily like the "combo box", a
>widget with a lot of fundamental flaws.  If you want to include this
>type of functionality, have an option on the select named "other" and
>a separate text box to hold the user's entry.  It's easy enough to
>have a CGI parse that.

Why should this not be possible? I sounds like great advantage. 

Jeroen Goulooze

Received on Thursday, 22 October 1998 09:01:09 UTC