Re: It's re: the TARGET attribute

>Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 06:49:29 -0400 (EDT)
>From: Sathish Kumar Rangarajan <>
>Subject: It's re: the TARGET attribute
>Here I come with an HTML query.
>When you give a TARGET="EXTERNAL" command to a link, it
>opens up another window, WINDOW 2, say.  
>AGAIN, in that newly opened window, you
>give a TARGET="EXTERNAL" command to a link, expecting the
>link to open up in another new window, WINDOW 3. But the
>link opens up in the same WINDOW 2 itself.
>Know a way out? 

Sure. EXTERNAL is just an arbitrary name you gave to your new window. 
Any links that target EXTERNAL will target this window, named EXTERNAL. 
What you want to use is TARGET="_BLANK", which has the special behavior 
of always opening a new window. (The only targets with special behavior 
are the ones starting with an underscore: _blank, _self, _parent, _top)

------------ "I am not a number! I am a free man!" ---------------
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