Re: footnotes

On Wed, 10 Jun 1998, Frank Boumphrey wrote:

> Stephanos,
>     I would be glad if you could share your code with us.

Killed the width on the main column (why have an explicit width?),
added top to sidenote and moved to the bottom so it will make more
sense semantically (now th note appears after the paragraph in legacy
browsers - depends on the context, really) otherwise everything was
right. Here it is. Works with IE4/NS4 and looks relatively OK on older

The backgrounds are wrong on NS4, but this has nothing to do with
positioning, and is a Known Issue (i.e. a Bug).

<STYLE type="text/css">
.sidebar {
 position: absolute;
 background-color: green;
 width: 1in;
 left: 0.1in;
 top: 0;

.container {
 position: relative;
 background-color: red;
 padding-left: 1.2in;

<DIV CLASS="container">

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 <DIV CLASS="sidebar">
A side note


<DIV CLASS="container">

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-- Stephanos Piperoglou -- ---------------------
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Received on Wednesday, 10 June 1998 10:14:58 UTC