Re: HTML IN "INPUT" attribute

>>>>> "RIC" == Richard Ian Coates <> writes:

 RIC> I hope I have submitted this to the right place! 
 RIC> (apologies if I haven't).

Well, this list isn't for Q&A, but for suggesting new features etc to
future versions of HTML, or point out problems with the current
version ...

 RIC> Requirement:    To be able to display HTML formatting commands, like 
 RIC>                 "<b>" in an INPUT field.

You need to encode the '<', '>' and '&' chars. For example, the user
might have entered "Me & <b>your mother</b>.", what you should
generate to give this default is something similar to

<input ...  value="Me &amp; &lt;your mother&gt;.">

// Rasmus

-- --------------- Rasmus Kaj -
 \               CityOnLine IB Production AB -
  \--------------------- Intolerance is the last defense of the insecure

Received on Thursday, 30 July 1998 11:27:12 UTC