Re: Style Sheets

I didn't see a good answer to this, so...

[Wira "AllenWest" Julianto]

> i got a problem with style sheets. I make a style sheets by using
> External Style Sheets metode. like this:


> then i save it to webcorner.css, and the style sheets work
> perfectly, but...  if I add tag <style type="text/css"> or <style>
> and close with </style>, the style sheets doesn't work. So what's
> wrong ?

The problem is that CSS != HTML.

In an HTML file, you need the <style> element to say, "Hey, the stuff
in here isn't HTML, so don't bother."  In a CSS file, everything is
CSS, so there's no need for a wrapper.

It worked perfectly without the <style> tags in the .css file because
that's how it's supposed to work.

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<USMAIL>90 Sherman Street, Cambridge, MA 02140 USA" NDATA SGML.Geek>

Received on Monday, 6 July 1998 04:41:08 UTC