Re: Patent pending: Network-based classified information systems.

Walter Ian Kaye <> wrote:
> I'm surprised nobody's yet suggested that you check this out:
>    <>
> I would imagine you could set up an RDF namespace for CCG.
> You have a reference to MCF; the author of that, Ramanathan V. Guha,
> moved from Apple to Netscape, and as XML was developed, he updated MCF
> to use XML syntax instead, and now it's called RDF. There is now a W3C
> group working on RDF, and you can find the links from the above URL.
> I believe RDF is the best container for the types of information you
> want to see catalogged. As for me, I'm just waiting for some
> programmer to write a nice RDF editor...
> -Walter
> ________________________________________________________________________
>   Walter Ian Kaye <boo@SLAC.Stanford.EDU>        Menlo Park, CA
>   Perl on Unix, AppleScript on MacOS, at the nation's first WWW server.
>   More good stuff at my <> site.

Hi Walter,

Thanks for this, I had already visited the above web pages.

You are right, I recognise that RDF could be used to represent some
aspects of CCG. The reason I did not include RDF in my description of
the nearest prior art in my patent application:
is that it the RDF spec was published after my patent priority date of
1997/Feb/21 and therefore my patent may incorporate at least portions of

Kind regards,
Dudley Mills,
30 Hutchison Crescent, Kambah, ACT 2902, Australia.
phone/fax: +61-2-6296-2639

Received on Saturday, 21 February 1998 08:32:40 UTC