RE: CSS Query

> Is Netscape 4.x still not conversant with CSS? I have this piece of code:

Navigator 4.X is not CSS 1.0 compliant, regardless of others' opinions.  The
term compatible is perhaps more accurate.  Navigator supports most of the
CSS attributes.  It does not support shorthand attributes, such as FONT.
Also, Navigator 4.X often causes memory-related access violations if you
attempt to use transitional attributes along with their CSS counterparts.
(i.e. Navigator is attempting to overwrite memory in use by another

<SOMETAG align="center" style="text-align: center;">

will force the OS to kill Navigator 4.X nearly every time, as to not disrupt
the operation of other applications.  (This problem was introduced around
version 4.05, or so.  This happens on both X11 and Windows, probably Mac as

Your style sheet.

>    <style type="text/css">
>       h1 { font: 72pt Tahoma bold; color:lime; background:lightblue }
>    </style>

Netscapified style sheet.

   <style type="text/css">
      h1 {
	  	Font-Size: 72pt;
	  	Font-Family: Tahoma;
		Font-Weight: bold;
		Color: lime;
		Background-Color: lightblue;
<body text=crimson>
   <h1>H E L L O</h1>

,David Norris

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