Re: MusicML?

>>>>> "MH" == Michael Hamm <> writes:

 MH> Okay, so we've got MathML, and we've got the  HTML3 MATH tag. How
 MH> about a MusicML?

 [ ... ]

 MH> Comments? Suggestions?

I think it would be a better idea to use an existing music format
(check out Rosegarden [1] and LilyPond [2]. Take the internal format
from one of those, and register it for a content type (something like
applikation/music-notation or audio/notated or something (audio is
probably not a good idea, since the notation should be displayed on
screen or printed, not played by the UA)).  Then use the OBJECT tag to 
refer to the music.

// Rasmus


-- --------------- Rasmus Kaj -
 \               CityOnLine IB Production AB -
  \------------------------------------- I'm a Lisp variable -- bind me!

Received on Sunday, 16 August 1998 10:18:43 UTC