Re: Naming documents/frames

>The current HTML RFC has the capability to name frames within a frameset
>the purpose of targeting URLs. There doesn't seem to be any mechanism for
>naming an entire document or frameset.

>For instance, I could bring up a document whose purpose was to act as a
>navigation guide to a site. I want to click on a link, and the relevant
>appears in the main browser window. Now unless I create a frameset with one
>frame (ie rows="100%,*") and name it, there is no way to target the URLs to
>main browser window.

Yes, there is... take a look at the page 51 of HTML 4.0 specification an
read the
_top target name.

>In addition, if I have several documents open in several different windows,
>do I target those?

Why do you want to overwrite another window document. Without script the
thing you can do is to specificate a new URL. What if the user is actually
that document???

With script languages you can do this. Just open a new window and get the
value of the 'open' function to a new var...

>I propose the addition of a name attribute to either the html tag, or
>within the head's meta data.

With the reasons that you have, I think it's fine the way it is... or... I
didn't understand
your problem.

Gustavo Niemeyer
Web Designer

Received on Thursday, 6 August 1998 12:38:54 UTC