Re: Style sheet and Netscape

>>>>> "JJ" == Joel Jancovic <> writes:

 JJ> Hello,
 JJ> I have a problem with Stylesheet and netscape.

 JJ> I define the style before the body section :

 JJ> <style type="text/css">
 JJ> <!--
 JJ> body	{ color: blue }
 JJ> //-->
 JJ> </style>

 JJ> And in the body section I define the text (for compatibility with
 JJ> Netscape 3) :

 JJ> <font color="gray">My text here</font>

 JJ> netscape 4,X displays the text in gray. and IE in blue.. Which
 JJ> navigator is right ?

I'd say netscape is slightly more right than microsoft in this
case. Your body sample is (roughly) equivalent to

<span style="color: gray">My text here</span>

This means you have a block of gray text inside your blue text
(assumed you use HTML 4.0 Transitional or some other DTD which
supports the font tag (not that Netscape or Microsoft actually cares
for which DTD you use)).

Personally I'd say that it's a bad idea to use the FONT tag, I'd use
the attributes on BODY instead (if I'd do any 'backup' colorselection
at all), but that is up to the editor of the document ...

// Rasmus

-- --------------- Rasmus Kaj -
 \               CityOnLine IB Production AB -
  \--------- Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish. -- Euripides

Received on Monday, 3 August 1998 12:26:01 UTC