Re: Archive in Object

On Fri, 10 Apr 1998, Russell Steven Shawn O'Connor wrote:

> The ARCHIVE attribute of the OBJECT element takes a space spearated list
> of URI's.  But the DTD specifies the content as %URI.  I think this is
> either misleading, or even wrong.  There should be a separate entity
> called URIs for space separated lists of URIs.

If I'm not mistaken, %URI is just a reference to CDATA, so there really is
no problem technically. Of course, all of these data types have been defined
for readability of the DTD, but this doesn't mean a document won't validate

-- Stephanos Piperoglou -- -------------------
All I want is a little love and a lot of money. In that order.
------------------------- --

Received on Friday, 10 April 1998 19:35:37 UTC