Re: Method for A? (fwd)

[Mike Meyer]
> > From: MegaZone <>
> > LINK and IMG can call in data.  META can do 'refresh' in some
> > browsers and load a new page.
> Right.  But those aren't sources for hyperlinks - there is nothing
> on the page the user can push to fetch them. A few browsers provider
> elements in THER guis for some LINK tags, but that's about it.
> Those things aren't what I'd call sources of hyperlinks. I used
> those words purposely, as I wanted to distinguish them from things
> that the browser fetches as part of loading a page without the user
> selecting a link/button in the HTML.

You've been poisoned by the shallow excuse for hypertext on the Web.
A link is a connection between two resources.  The <img> tag is a link
to a resource, usually (but not always!) downloaded automatically and
displayed in-line.  If image loading is turned off, or if Lynx is
used, the image must be explicitly requested.  Similarly, <link> and
<meta> also define connections between resources, and are thus links.
(If <link> isn't a link, then something's very wrong in the world...)

It's a little more questionable whether <isindex> is a link; it
defines a behavior of sorts, and defines the nature of a relationship,
but not really a link.

See the discussions of link taxonomy in RFC 1866 (HTML 2.0)[1] and the
XLL draft[2].


[1] <URL:>
[2] <URL:>
<!ENTITY crism PUBLIC "-//O'Reilly//NONSGML Christopher R. Maden//EN"
"<URL> <TEL>+1.617.499.7487
<USMAIL>90 Sherman Street, Cambridge, MA 02140 USA" NDATA SGML.Geek>

Received on Friday, 26 September 1997 09:57:34 UTC