Cougar - Ordered Lists Numbering Style

The Cougar DTD says:

 <!-- Ordered lists (OL) Numbering style

    1   arablic numbers     1, 2, 3, ...
    a   lower alpha         a, b, c, ...
    A   upper alpha         A, B, C, ...
    i   lower roman         i, ii, iii, ...
    I   upper roman         I, II, III, ...

With the risk of stating the obvious, I would like to point out that the
alpha styles are language dependent. I guess for Greek or Russian one would
use their own letters, for Danish or Swedish the list changes as you reach
towards the end of the list, etc.

For Hebrew there is a special system of alphabetic numbering.

I suppose the idea is to key the representation on the LANG attribute of
the OL (specified or inherited).


P.S There seems to be a spelling error in "arablic".

Received on Saturday, 10 May 1997 04:12:18 UTC