Re: HTML should not be a file format, but an output format

On Sat, 22 Mar 1997 20:58:36 -0700, Bruce Leban wrote:
> There are a lot of people who think HTML is a page design language,
> not a markup language, not a storage medium. That's why I said the
> browser test was a "pragmatic" one. It reflects how HTML is actually
> used. 

HTML is an <emph>application</emph> of SGML.  If it is used by "a lot
of people who think HTML is a page design language," fine, but that
still doesn't change the fact that it is an application of SGML, and
should be treated as SGML when used.

UA's ("browsers") change as their vendors choose, and with the current
competition between Microsoft and Netscape, nothing is certain except
chaos.  With SGML you get stability, and openness, and that's what



Received on Saturday, 22 March 1997 23:27:51 UTC