Cougar: ready for the public?

Hi there,

Some people may know that I maintain an extensive HTML 3.2
reference at <URL:>. In
the last few months, I've noticed that there is quite a bit demand
for information about "Cougar", the experimental spec-to-be. I
would like to add a section on "Cougar" at our site, but I am not
sure what its status is.

The only information on Cougar I can find at the W3C site is
at <URL:>, although there
are also several blurbs in other documents. The DTD is, as far as
I can see, a modified HTML 3.2 DTD with some extra material, but
little to no documentation.

Is there going to be a textual draft for Cougar anytime soon?
Would starting work on a Cougar reference be a good idea at
this time?

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Received on Sunday, 2 March 1997 14:03:05 UTC