Announce: BrowserCaps redesign and relaunch

This note is to announce the new redesign and relaunch of BrowserCaps.
Originally launched in the Fall of 1995, BrowserCaps is a free resource
designed to assist Web publishers in building higher impact Web sites. At
the site, Web developers can access reference information on the
capabilities of 200 different browsers now in use.  The broad range of
browsers and versions of browsers greatly complicates efforts of Web
developers to ensure that pages are visually compelling and can be viewed
by the majority of site visitors. By offering the latest information on the
capabilities of browsers, BrowserCaps helps developers create sites that
display clean, crisp pages which appear as they were intended to appear.

The BrowserCaps site contains a compendium of the results of about 100
tests which characterize the behavior of tested browsers on a
feature-by-feature basis, and includes data on approximately 200 browsers
currently in use. Users can search for information by browser types as well
as by test or feature. For example, a developer can easily see if a
Netscape Communicator beta supports a marquee tag, or which browsers
support frames. 

Browser capability information is gathered from specially designed browser
compatibility tests that visitors to the site are invited to take. At the
site, users vote and comment on how their browsers handle various bits of
HTML. Votes are collected and tabulated for reference on a regular basis.
Thus, the collective knowledge available on the Net helps developers build
better pages. 

Check it out at

Received on Tuesday, 10 June 1997 19:50:39 UTC