Re: Body start tag.

On Wed, 16 Jul 1997, James Berriman wrote:

> At 08:26 16/7/97, Walter Ian Kaye wrote:
> >Y'know, HTML is one of the few things which are given a body tag while
> >still alive...
> Just like a baby in hospital.
> Other indicative factors:
> *it's a labour of love
> *long gestation period
> *suffers from teething problems

You forgot,

* Everyone thinks it is *SO* cute.
* In spite of it being cute, it is apt to make messes 
  in your lap unexpectedly.
* Everyone agrees it looks like its parents, but there
  is some question as to who those parents are.
* There are lots of instruction manuals, none of which
  seem to match the actual item's behavior.

> HTML == baby.
> ( :-])  James


Benjamin Franz

Received on Wednesday, 16 July 1997 09:27:51 UTC