Re: Some complaints about HTML 4.0

> From: Arnoud "Galactus" Engelfriet <>
> The problem right now is that you as an author simply *do not know*
> whether <BR><BR> or &nbsp;&nbsp; will collapse or not. This makes
> it next to impossible to use it "properly", because you may very
> well be using an undocumented feature or error recovery side-effect.
> If the spec said "<BR><BR> collapses" or "&nbsp; is not a space,
> it just looks like one", then you could rely on this behaviour.

As HTML claims to be a logical language then the statement: "The BR element
forcibly breaks (ends) the current line of text"  (text.html) must be
understood as --  multiple <BR>s will collapse.  In order to end (close)
something,  a line of text or anything else for that matter, that something
must first be opened or eventually reopened.  Try closing closed door. 

…. but then perhaps the language isn't as logical as it is claimed (why call
nbsp a space when it is not?) 


Received on Monday, 14 July 1997 05:02:25 UTC