More ideas for context elements in HTML 4.0

Here are some ideas for contextual/logical elements for HTML 4.0, 
useful not only for UAs but for robots, indexers, etc.

These elements need not be marked up by the UA, just recognized as
valid HTML with the ability to define style sheet classes when
special markup is desired by the author.

  Notes the mention of a person in the document. An optional ID
  selector can be used for a unique reference. LANG attribute to 
  specify pronunciation. HREF for a resource about that person (a
  homepage, a biography, a picture, etc.)  Possibly adding other
  attributes to specify the person's relationship to the document.
  UA's can optionally provide a link if an HREF or ID is provided.
  (Note that the HREF doesn't have to be unique; one can flag people
  as authors and contributors etc.)

  Possibly no HREF is needed, and one can specify a link around the
  occurrance of a person (or place or institution), though. It would
  also keep the standard simpler.

  Indexers can also not apply word-stemming to proper names, or
  limit soundex searches only to proper names, etc.

  For institutions and organizations. Similar behavior as PERSON 
  element, used when ACORNYM or ABBREV is not appropriate.

  Indexers can also not apply word-stemming to proper names, or
  limit soundex searches only to proper names, etc.

  For places (geographic). Similar to above.
  Used when ACORNYM or ABBREV is not appropriate.

  Indexers can also not apply word-stemming to proper names, or
  limit soundex searches only to proper names, etc.

  Acornyms and abbreviations. Optional TITLE element giving
  the full name  of the content. Future occurances would be
  flagged by UA to refer to first definition. For example,

    <ACORNYM LANG="en"  TITLE="Hypertext Markup
  Defining instance/occurance of a word or phrase. UA could
  optionally generate an anchor or bookmark and flag future

  An unsuaul or 'foreign' word or phrase, with LANG pronunciation
  guide, optional title for meaning or pronunciation. Would be 
  rendered in italics. For example,

    The series of <PHRASE LANG="fr">avant garde</PHRASE>
    performances at the concert hall...

    <A NAME="fn7">7.</A> <PHRASE>Ibid.</PHRASE>

  For marking up a full URL or filename (also tells indexers that the
  content is a URL or filename).  Allows authors to specify a style.
  HREF would not be used here, as one can specify a link.

  Reason for a separate element like URL or FILENAME is because SAMP
  does not seem appropriate for URLs and filenames. (Some prefer to
  render URLs in italics rather than monospace, for instance.)

  No markup. Flags a keyword or phrase that is important for the
  document's subject, so indexers and robots can give this a higher
  rating, or so authoring tools can automatically generate an index
  (also using DFN, PERSON, PLACE, INST, etc.)

  If the author desires special markup for keywords, it can be
  set in the style sheet for that page.

Robert Rothenburg Walking-Owl (
Se habla PGP.

Received on Friday, 11 July 1997 08:13:22 UTC