Re: Phrase markup (was Re: Aural Cascading Style Sheets)

At 07:07 PM 1/10/97 +0100, Chris Lilley wrote:

>Yes, it is worth stressing that language is a much more important
>tag or attribute when using speech synthesis. It is easy to tell
>que j'ecrire en Français pour un peu, and then switch to back to
>English. A speech synth would get very confused without explicit markup.

That's not really a good assumption.  Morphological analyzers have very
little trouble identifying languages.  It's a lot easier to toss the text
against something that'll automatically recognize it than to expect writers
and editors to insert such tags.

A standard set of tags is a good idea, but one shouldn't assume that a lot
of this can't be automated and reviewed by humans.


Verity Inc.
Connecting People with Information

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Received on Friday, 10 January 1997 14:14:08 UTC