Re: Encapsulated HTML file

%TO            x>,
%FROM          amas
%SUBJECT       Re: Encapsulated HTML file
%VERIFY        y
%DATE          02/01/97 10:35
%REFERENCE     351257

<Fussy Mailer does not allow quoting>

I ment a tree of web html files. I do realize that the idea of a
dynamic web page might limit the dynamic side of creating web pages.
If such a file was implemented at the server end the user would just
see the file as if it was not an encapsulated file, in otherwords if
the file was located at /mydir and the file in the encapsulated html
file was located at /mywebdir/myfile.html, then the user would see:


One of the posters said that certain sites provide option of
downloading a tarred web tree, though unless the site gives you ftp
access with a tar supporting server, you can't add .tar to the ending
to archive the tree.

On the other hand such a solution, the encapsulated web page, would
probably be better suited to a client side facility.  Basically you
could tell that you wanted this page downloaded, to a max directory
depth of n and it would place the web page in a tar archive so that
you could easily view it off-line rather than having do all the
donkey work yourself.

Another solution would be to add support for the tar extension (as in
ftp) so you could you the html tree using the HTTP protocol.

Okay, to view the file you would need a compliant web browser, though
it would mean that on file systems with seriously limited file name
lengths you would be able you view the images without the need of
editing the image references in the recently downloaded html file.

I am maybe being a bit idealistic to the solution, though its an
idea and ideas don't need to be realistic. :-)


Received on Thursday, 2 January 1997 05:37:09 UTC