Re: Header, Footer, and Sidebars

gordon felt an urge to reveal at 4:22 AM -0000 on 11/29/97:

> That's not such a bad thing. It's easy enough to include the same style
> sheet, and just as easy for the included document to stand out with its own
> style. If one is authoring a multi-document, then they should be encouraged
> to use multi-care <g>.
> The percentage of users who will apply their own style sheet is likely to
> remain very low for some time to come.
> gordon

How does one apply their own style sheet? Does it work under IE4 or NS4?

[           Jordan Reiter                             ]
[                ]
[  "It's well known that dead people are all sick     ]
[   because they're too depressing."                  ]
[   -- from ]

Received on Monday, 1 December 1997 14:45:16 UTC