Re: HTML Streaming

Albert writes:

>I have never heard of a bot that truncates a HTML file at the download of 
>the keyword tag. 

I don't think any of the big public indexes do that but several small
in-house ones do, where the use of META with Keywords is enforced.
>DTD. The entire language would need to be reviewed to allow each tag to 

I think what I don't understand is what needs to be done to it. What do
you have to do to <P> to "make it stream". By streaming, do you mean
constant refreshing of the data? The term is usually used wrt realtime 
data like audio or video, not serial data like text.

>Frankly, I don't think it is that big of a problem. I think the HTML 
>file can be streamed with the addition of tags that give a description of 
>the HTML file. The colgroup and other individual descriptions meant to 
>stream an individual tag would not be required. I don't think protocols for 
>the organization of tags, in the head or body, would do as much harm as you 

I didn't mean to imply they'd do any harm, just I still don't understand
what you need to do to the file structure. Can you give examples of what
you'd need to add to make it stream?


Received on Friday, 29 August 1997 15:30:19 UTC