Re: Disturbing IE 4.0pp2 behavior for lang="en"

Martin D|rst wrote:
> Stephen Mack wrote:
> > If so, I will forward this as a bug to Microsoft.  I think it's
> > important that authors be able to follow HTML 4.0's recommended
> > practice of specifying the language with the LANG attribute without
> > losing any entity support.
> Please first try with "content" instead of "value".

Once you have tried this, please report the result to this list.  If it 
is a bug, it's a very serious one and I would want to bring it to the 
attention of my contacts in the IE team.

Misha Wolf            Email:     85 Fleet Street
Standards Manager     Voice: +44 171 542 6722           London EC4P 4AJ
Reuters Limited       Fax  : +44 171 542 8314           UK
Eleventh International Unicode Conference, Sep 2-5 1997,

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Reuters Ltd.

Received on Friday, 22 August 1997 05:53:22 UTC