LANG and character encoding (Re: Disturbing IE 4.0pp2 behavior f

"E. Stephen Mack" <> wrote to www-html:

> It's my understanding that specifying a language with the LANG
> attribute should *NOT* have an influence over the character
> encoding that is picked to display the document, is that right?

I agree insofar, that it should at least not *override* additional
information concerning the encoding of the document, as there are
languages, that can be written (and have been written and are 
written) using different encodings.


Heinrich C. Kuhn

!   Dr. Heinrich C. Kuhn   (coordinator libraries &c.)
!   Max-Planck-Gesellschaft / Generalverwaltung VIIIb3
!   Postfach 10 10 62 /  D-80084 Muenchen
!   T: +49-89-2108 1563 / F: +49-89-2108 1565
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Received on Friday, 22 August 1997 04:47:30 UTC