Re: end tags...

Carl Morris wrote:
> Damn do I have to argue?  Clearly, when the browser gets to <P>, the
> <H1> must be closed...  its a requirement of proper content... an H1
> can not hold a P, to open the P, the H1 must be closed, if the H1 is
> not to be closed, the P can not be allowed to be opened...

On the one hand I agree with you. I cannot fathom why some UA parsers
fail on such apparently simple rules.

On the other hand, we've all got to live with the failings of others as
well as ourselves. In order to read your messages I must consider your
newfound tendency to end sentences with '...' rather than '.'. And
decipher what you intend to say from what you have misspelled (though,
thankfully, your spelling has improved dramatically). Neither of these
tasks are simple to program.

> I think this is all really simple for computers ... and for the human
> eyes that program the stupid computers...  without our brains
> would be nothing...

Did the educational system fail? Certainly an English teacher more
concerned with double sentence spacing than correct grammar and
spelling is suspect in my mind. Where is the logic? Whatever, computers
are programmed according to rules and exceptions. When you so blatantly
neglect to follow established rules of grammar and spelling, how can
you be so disturbed when designers and programmers of UAs do likewise?
Clean up your own act, then suggest how others might do likewise.

Consider the words of Edgar Allen Poe: "The writer who neglects
punctuation, or mispunctuates, is liable to be misunderstood. . . . For
the want of merely a comma, it often occurs that an axiom appears a
paradox, or that a sarcasm is converted into a sermonoid." And then ask
yourself: "What the hell is a sermonoid? Are a paradox better than
none? Would 'malpuncutates' be more correct? And is it possible for an
axiom to contain four consecutive periods?"

(Were it not for this paragraph, the previous might be considered an
unnecessary end tag.)


Received on Sunday, 29 September 1996 06:16:21 UTC