Re: space

| ><pre>
| >  IF silly <> foolish THEN
| >    WRITELN("Ooops.");
| >END
| ></pre>
| >
| >is not legal because of the "<>".
|  That's perfectly legal from what I understand.  CDATA entries are
| terminated by </[a-z]

better you all check 3.2:

The PRE element can be used to include preformatted text. User agents
render this in a fixed pitch font, preserving spacing associated with
white space characters such as space and newline characters. Automatic
word-wrap should be disabled within PRE elements. 

Note that the SGML standard requires that the parser remove a newline
immediately following the start tag or immediately preceding the end

PRE has the same content model as paragraphs, excluding images and
elements that produce changes in font size, e.g. IMG, BIG, SMALL, SUB,
SUP and FONT. 

It seems to be that PRE is just a special case of the other block
elements... nowhere was CDATA mentioned...  I instead like the fact of
"SGML requires that the parser remove a newline immediately following
the start tag ..." because I don't know of a browser that does!  Maybe
I should double check the 3.0 versions of netscape and msie again?

Received on Monday, 23 September 1996 11:23:26 UTC